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  • Andy Najjar

A Journey and a Lesson

2 days ago- I packed up everything I owned and cared for in a 2 seater sports car and moved to Austin TX. It came to me and suddenly realized that moving frequently, inviting new life changes helps us not be attached to things but instead to experiences of life. I started to notice that nothing outside of our hearts and minds truly fulfills us. Don't run after the shinny things and more stuff to own but instead start thinking about what would grow my life? What experiences and lessons are ones that will stay with me forever. A great rule I love to live by is aim to have a big change in your life once a year! It can be:

  • Moving to a new career

  • Starting a business,

  • A new place to live

  • Travelling somewhere you have never been

  • Picking up a new hobby

  • Learning a new skill

  • Joining a new circle of friends

These changes you will find will awaken something in you and make you learn something new about who you are. Now if you want to take things to a new scale of change I usually do a major life shake andchange every 3 years where I change everything that is norm and usually change all the above at once by just moving to a whole new place. But this is because I am a change seeker some personalities like staying in the safe zone a little. All in all, change is pretty amazing!! On a side note: when you are not attached to the things you own you get creative in how it can work for you. So I actually rented out my spot! ( with all the things in it) as a business and an income generator. I encourage you to step out of the norm and embrace a life of change today!

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