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  • Andy Najjar

The Three Levels of Love !

3 Levels of Love (stages)

Relationships are pretty complex and so many of us need time to understand them fully!

We ask questions like:

1) What is Love?

2) Are there soul mates?

3) How will I know?

In my experience I have learned that there are three levels of love. These level reside in the long and true relationships, the reason being is its takes time for each stage to pass.

The three stages of love are:

1) Lust- In this stage we met someone that matches our mindset and physical chemistry. We are attracted and its usually the first sign of love. Its an indicator that there is something different about this person. You start fantasizing and running with imagination and excitement. This is also a stage where there is high sexual chemistry.

2) Love Finding- In this second stage Lust begins to fade half way and it slowly begins to transform. We will begin to feel that our heart begins to warm up. There will be emotions built, trust, and vulnerability. In this stage there is also a phase of feeling lost, because there is a shift in energy. The first level of Love (Lust) is fading away and before the second level is fully in fruition there may be some time where people question or ask if this is really true love? and why I am not feeling a rush. The truth is this second love is going to be stronger and longer lasting than the first yet it is less intense and steady. Relationships need to get acclimated here and allow it to enter. The biggest thing here is "stick with it" and don't make excuses if there its still going smoothly. Your emotions confuse you.

3) Unconditional Love: This last stage is reserved for relationships that are seasoned and have gone through thick and thin and still stand strong. In this stage the man realizes the woman is his weakness and that he is her strength. We call this an exchange of power. Arguments in this stage happen less frequently yet they are addressed on a whole new level. Here each person sees the other with all of their flaws and still loves them unconditionally. The outside world and the temptations die, and there is a new kind of intense emotion. Its one of support, completeness and growth. Its imperative in this stage to highlight that each individual is in complete life balance, they are growing and on a path of continuous self growth. They are now both growing at the same rate and closer together instead of apart. They stop looking at the other as an enemy but as a partner even in the hardest times. They know that each is coming from protecting the other and there is absolutely no intention to hurt the other.

Each stage has its beauty, yet I wanted to open up your mind to these stages to help answer the questions we always find unanswered about love!

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